• AST PetroChemie SAE

    We are a distributor of wax products and their related raw materials. Located in Alexandria / Egypt, we have the following range available: - semi fully refined paraffin waxes, - microcrystalline waxes, untreated treated - blends such as cascading waxes over dipping etc - soft slack ...

    Telephone:20-10-7012447Address:27, Refaa Street, El Mesaha Square


    The history of MSP began in Siberia (Russia) , which has an average temperature minus 40 degrees Celsius. This causes cold start problems for military vehicles such as tanks. At extreme temperatures, the engine oil freezes up into starch-like consistency. After treatment with MSP, these are ...

    Telephone:65-91018909Address:25 Mandai Estate 02-07
