We are a company distributor in electronic France of material, screen, MP3, MP4, in-car DVD DIVX TV, TOUCH SCREEN, GPS we ensure guarantee 1an especially our product and until your destination the whole world. We always seek new good quality to be inserted French market. We hope co-operate ...

    Telephone:33-69916-1281Address:Route Du Maquis

  • Redwoods Trading

    Redwoods trading is a company, strategically located in the heart of Paris, that has become major supplier MP3 players, mpeg4 multimedia DVD portable flash disks throughout Europe, Africa and noth America. Based on exclusive deals privileged relationships with some most professional ...

    Telephone:33-0144090049Address:1 Rue Galvani

  • Entreprise Della Nora

    Hello,I\\\'m the owner of a mail order firm in computer parts in France,I\\\'d be happy to make business with you compagny.

    Telephone:33 - - 871093961Address:17 chemin Raynal bat1 Toulouse 31200 France

  • Numex Numeric France

    Sales of componments for computer,PDA,GPS, spare parts... MP3 walman Car tv Cellular power supply car mp3 receiver mini dvd camera SD card

    Telephone:33 - 87447 - 9518Address:18 avenue de la constellation Tassin RA 69160 France

  • Assistance Micro

    We are an French society looking for products with good quality at low prices. We are a retailer, you con propose your products to us if you think they may interest us ! Thx !

    Telephone:33 - 666 - 265475Address:72 B rue Bergson ST ETIENNE 42000 France

  • Crealys

    We are a French wholesaler who exports high-tech products, particularly in Africa and eastern Europe. accept small or big order. test all our products before sending. can source for you new products. insist on the quality of services, after-sales. ...

    Telephone: 33-689955124Address:1, Rue Jean Vende


    For fifteen years now, avenir telecom has been involved in the mobile telephone business and achieved a leading position around Europe.Since 1998, we have developed structured store chain(internity) of phones, digital photography, video gaming multimedia.Now, opened new department ...

    Telephone: 33-488006156Address:208 Bd Plombiere


    computer components retailervideo players retailermp3 players retailercomputer retailertelecommunication products retailer

    Telephone:33 - 8 - 702*****Address:389 rue du Ronzin GENAY,

  • Nekka

    Telephone:33 - 3 - 875*****Address:16 avenue Francois Mitterrand METZ, Moselle (57)


    we sell internet website,we are ebay seller,we buy electronics goods for Franceplease feel free to contact us only by the website please

    Telephone:33 - 4 - 938*****Address:6 rue Jules Michel Residence Roquebilliere, Bat 18 Escalier 30 Nice, Alpes-Maritimes (06)

  • Pybel

    Looking for busines opportunities between China and Europe. Specially for computers, dvd players, usb key and other stuffs that can be given as presents by companies.

    Telephone:33 - 6 - 270*****Address:47 rue Bénard PARIS,

  • C-cado

    Company with less than 10 employees Website and shops Discount prices on electronic products. I Think it's necessary now to attack the French market with discount prices.

    Telephone:33 - 3 - 237*****Address:21 bis rue du moinille PERNANT,
