Position: List Of Companies


Company Introduction

IBERFRESCO Fresh Products Company Ltd., is engaged in the production and distribution of frozen vegetables and is located in Olmedo (Valladolid), Spain. We have an innovative and large infrastructure, including equipment, processing facilities, buildings and agriland. We are seeking a company interested in marketing and distributing in your country our frozen vegetables, either in IBERFRESCO brand or an alternative customer's brand.We have in stock the following types of frozen vegetables: peas, flat green beans, round green beans, potatoes, carrots, salads, minestrones, artichokes, vegetable ready mixes, vegetable sautes, Mediterranean salads and pastas. Thanks to our packaging lines, our products can be presented in a wide range of formats: industrial octobins of 700kg, 25kg bags, 10kg boxes, or customer-friendly formats such as bags of 2.5 kg, 1 kg and 400 grams. The company strengths are quality, price and high volume as specialists in vegetables. The vegetables come from high-tech farms and the farming process involves a contractual relationship with local farmers, to get a high quality production. The full process is controlled by the agronomical team of IBERFRESCO. The company selects the best vegetables for the manufacturing process, always ensuring complete traceability. IBERFRESCO offers vegetables that are frozen through the IQF process (Individual Quick Freezing), hence ensuring the highest quality and confidence for the consumer. We hold the following quality certificates ISO and EFSIS.

Contact Information

  • Telephone : 34-670876629

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