Position: List Of Companies ›› China ›› Chang Hang Color Co.,Ltd

Chang Hang Color Co.,Ltd

  • Business Type : Manufacturer
  • Location : Changzhou
  • Year Established : 2018
  • Main Products : Organic Pigment Solvent Dyes,
  • Country/Region : China
  • Links :

Company Introduction

Chang Hang Color Co.,LTD was established in 2018, which belongs to Changzhou North American Chemical Group and devotes to providing high quality organic pigments and thorough solutions for printing inks, paints and plastic,etc. At the same time, we also provide solvent dyes and some other related raw materials to save the purchasing cost and time.Changzhou North American Chemical Group, one of the biggest Organic Pigments manufacturer in China, which was founded in 1980. Now we have about 600 employees, 36 production lines with 60,000 MT production volume. 

Contact Information

  • Contact Person : Daniel Wu
  • Telephone : 86 - 0519 - 85555123
  • Fax Number : 86 - 0519 - 85555123
  • Address : Room 101, NO.600 Tongjiang Rd Changzhou, Jiangsu
  • Fax : 86 - 0519 - 85555123
  • Website : Visit website

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