Company Introduction

Our company supply truffle and ethnic bag artwork from the wonderful land Yunnan China

Company bank accounts: HSBC Hongkong and Bank of America, USA, please contact us for details when order and payment to us.

Company Online paypal payment: [email protected]

Himalayensis, called by Europe as the famous black truffle same as French black truffle.
We are right in Yunnan and Tibet region, called the Himalayas region, the main Truffle produce center in China, we serve the famous truffle called Himalayensis

Tuber Himalayensis - winter black truffle, very similar to Tuber Melanosporum, hard shell, dark and polygonal textured skin, very dark meat with little white veins, strong and lasting aroma, usually smaller and more difficult to find than Tuber sinensis, available from Nov. 20th to Feb. 20th.

Tuber indicum is the official name of truffle
Tuber aestivum:called also as the summer truffle, the most common one is brownish with smooth skin, white meat, a little bit juicy, lasting aroma, harvested earlier than burgundy truffles, from May to August.
Tuber uncinatum:called also as the Burgundy truffle, harvested from September to late December, sometimes also until late January.They have a wider distribution than any other truffle species. Burgundy truffles are found across Europe, from Spain to eastern Europe and from Sweden to North Africa.
Tuber Brumale: called aslo as the winter truffle, available between December and March, color is black, easy to get confused with the black truffle, vividly called the Musky. It has a spiced smell, of musky, and of course a risk of confusion with the tuber melanosporum.
Tuber Melanosporum: also called the black diamond, or black truffle of the perigord, the French produced region, available between December and March.

Contact Information

  • Contact Person : John Lee
  • Department : Other
  • Telephone : 86-87163393521
  • Address : China, Kunming, Yunnan, China

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