If you are looking for a business partner cosmetic business, more than welcomed. Company provide "Clara Hills Brand" as well OEM service cosmetics, specialized in skin care products Cosmetics can be labelled your brand and will manufactured Korea. Cosmetics with Unique ...

    Telephone:66-89-2335730Address:Unit B109, D dong, Gwangmyoung Techno Park, 1345, Soha-dong

  • Bomi Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

    Bomi Cosmetics, made of the extracts natural and herbal ingredients, help maintain clarity radiant luminosity skin through effective cleansing care.Bomi Cosmetics promotes eco-friendly, high quality functional product lines to enhance our customers' overall well-being by ...

    Telephone:82-222451877Address:7F, Yoosun B/D, 235-4, Seoul, South Korea


    Since Noksibcho was established on 1979 from a wasteland, we can take our ability to the next level firm leads health culture specializes in alternative medicine, propelled by love and support of clients its employees, creating green wind. We at are dreaming new future. As made boom during ...

    Telephone:82-2-8966811Address:Noksibcho Bldg 1011-20, Doksan 1-dong

  • International Moxie

    xx PROFESSIONAL MED-SPA PRODUCTS by 'imoxie' A Synergistically Formulated and Highly Effective Pro Skin Care Line x Complete of Mineral Make Up - Pharmaceutical Grade 60+ Aromatherapy Essences, Pure Essential Oils Customized Body Products ooo Also, Professional Salon/ MedSpa ...

    Telephone:1-408-2619818Address:Bryant Street, Palo Alto, CA, USA

  • JB Marketing Group

    The JB Marketing Group was founded in 1999 with the goal of introducing a high quality Skin Care and Cosmetics Products to an ever-growing market. (Da Vinci TM Line) is major manufacturer Minerals for products Organic Line from de Dead Sea. Our Da consist full unique range skin care that are: body ...

    Telephone:1--818-775-0186Address:4924 Balboa Blvd. Suite 459

  • Peace River Products Inc

    Peace River Products are lovingly produced from the 100% pure, raw, natural honey given to Steve and Leslie Cantu by bees in their family owned operated apiary. While these consider Zolfo Springs, on banks of Central Florida home, they travel all over country pollinating crops creating honeys ...

    Telephone:1-863-7351679Address:784 Steve Roberts Special, Zolfo Springs, FL, USA

  • Bio-Vel Technologies, Inc.

    Our company offers a high quality brand name line of anti-aging skin care products exclusively for Men. We aspire to enter this arena as competent contender and open the door future ELEMENTS products. are desirous distributing our end retail department stores well companies who interested in ...

    Telephone:1-702-353-2649Address:1930 Village Center Circle #3-814

  • Blond Cosmetics BV

    We are looking for distr partners who interested to sell our products. Do you see an oppertunity distribute a new cosmetic brand your existing channnel then speak with us. have top quality products- Pure C Collagen Skin Care Line- Silver Aloe Vera Secret 6min lift (instant facelift based on ...

    Telephone:31-40-2839280Address:De Tienden 26


    We are a company committed to bringing our customers high quality bath& body and skincare products produced with the finest ingredients from Amazon Forest. support sustainable harvesting by obtaining ingredientes local communities in forest. ...

    Telephone:1-262-6700413Address:515 W. Prospect Street

  • Caliel Imports

    American Distribution company with several years of experience in distributing high level items imported from Italy and manufactured Italy.This distribution has contacts countries around the world is looking to expand his customer database Asia. ...

    Telephone: 801-760-1098Address:Po Box 6045

  • Amway Philippines L.L.C.

    Amway Philippines is a world-renowned company that offers wide range of products through direct selling. Thus, the cuts traditional trading system blows product price before it reaches consumers.Members are given special discounts on products, bonuses and royalties. Therefore, not only ...

    Telephone: 63-917-4418532Address:20th Flr Pbcom Tower, Ayala Ave

  • Dual Co., Ltd.

    Dear visitors to our web site,It's a great pleasure meet you through newly established site.We, Dual companies in Korea, leading the domestic industries of car interior materials and goods for about 30 years, have made efforts customers' safety comfortable life development new ...

    Telephone: 82-31-4931707Address:Dual Bldg, 708-41, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu


    The naturalism aesthetic cosmetics for whole body, leading the way human body with dreamy harmonization of "emptying" and "filling"LYMPHODIA, special beauty gifted from natureLYMPHODIA is a compound "Lympho" "Idea" brand name that expresses ...

    Telephone: 82-062-3512822


    We are leading manufacturing company that produces mineral makeup and it will be ideal for you to sale or use our your customers, because give customer the best natural coverage with 6-1 foundation from foundation, concealer, radiant glow, veil, SPF-15, powder. To make much more excited we have ...

    Telephone: 1-818-7750186Address:4924 Balboa Blvd suit 459

  • JB Marketing Grou

    The JB Marketing Group was founded in 1999 with the goal of introducing a high quality Skin Care and Cosmetics Products to an ever-growing market. (Da Vinci TM Line) is major manufacturer Minerals for products Organic Line from de Dead Sea. Our Da consist full unique range skin care that are: body ...

    Telephone: 1--818-775-0186Address:4924 Balboa Blvd. Suite 459


    With products form Aneka, women find a scientific and seductive method of highlighting their beauty youthfulness.Aneka merges rigorous science with the demands desires contemporary skincare. Led by specialist in pharmaceutical sciences, Aneka pioneers field, bringing together ...

    Telephone: 001-949-2284413Address:Po Box 6752


    Since Noksibcho was established on 1979 from a wasteland, we can take our ability to the next level firm leads health culture specializes in alternative medicine, propelled by love and support of clients its employees, creating green wind.We at are dreaming new future. As made boom during IMF ...

    Telephone: 82-2-8966811Address:Noksibcho Bldg 1011-20, Doksan 1-dong

  • farm and care

    we are specialized in cosmomedical herbal based products ..producing line of and natural body care ,hair ,skin , including shampoos, creams, lotions masks scrubs use our own produced extracts interested all range innovative this field still grwoing ..but promising company ..we latest ...


  • DnH Global Co.

    We are Global Business Agency, we attract a group of young people who in passion and vigor to offer the best service for you. After long time hard work, have built steady cooperation with many manufacturers buyers. CEO is International Trade Consultant Export Specialist was designated by The ...

    Telephone: 82-70-86803317Address:Eunpyeong-gu Biz Plaza, 2nd Fl. , Eunpyeong-gu Office Annex, 86 Nokbeon-dong, Eunpyeong-gu


    STC Life is a leading bio company in Korea that has been respected as pharmaceutical / cosmetic for 20years. We opened an anti-aging clinic center with using stem cell treatments. Corporation wide experience marketing, manufacture, production, distribution and R& D. Also, manufacturer CGMP ...

    Telephone: 822-3438-0687Address:72, UN village-gil, Young San Gu, Seoul, Korea.

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